Monday, October 13, 2008

(Mom and Blackie) I dedicate this blog to my Mom, Rita Jane Mason, who without her I would have never found the love of God and what Jesus did for me and The Holy Spirit. The woman who stuck through thick and thin with through those many mentally ill and sick years just like God did. She is not just my Mother but a great friend. I know God loves her even more than me and I thank God for that.

We are getting so close to the end times. It seems everything in the news is linked to the end times. I don't know how some cannot believe in God when bible prophecy is happening down to the last "i", "r" & "t" that is written in the bible. It is scary to think about but yet for those who believe at the same time can't wait to meet the Lord in the air and be with the Lord always and forever.

I have always wondered about the fact that those who are satanist on earth that they may be helpers to the antichrist. I have wondered that for so long. I know I will only know after the rapture when the tribuation is here.

I feel very sorry for not only satanist but all of those who don't know God. They will be left behind not even knowing what happened to those who where taken to heaven. They are going to be decieved by the antichrist if they don't find God.

What are some of the signs of the times that are going on in the bible. Well first the European Union who is a modren day roman empire. The antichrist is going to come out of the European Union. You never know if that person that is the antichrist might be working in the European Union today. To me that sends shivers down my spine.

People want to make a one world government. There has been many people who wanted this since before I was born. They want 10 kingdoms for the world. That comes straight from the bible. 10 kings controling 10 kingdoms. You have to admit we are living in the end times. We may not know the day or the hour of Jesus' coming but we can follow the signs in the news that match what it says in the bible.

What is even more interesting is that on our own dollar bill there is the peramid with an eye on it. That eye is a egypan (so called) God of the sun. Then under the peramide written I believe in Latan that says in engilsh "NEW WORLD ORDER". Who can doubt now that Jesus is coming back soon and what the bible says is true.

Even some of the weather and earthly events that are happening are taken from the bible. Hurricains and Typhoons, earthquakes, floods and droughts. Here in the Northeast part of Wisconsin we are having a slight drought. Even though in some areas of the state that had flooding conditions just a couple of months ago. Even Georga (the state) had a two year drought and the rain from the hurrican that hit Florida finally hit Georgia.

It is amazing this is all in the bible. What is even more amazing is that people still don't beleive. There are writing in the walls about his coming and yet the ignore the signs. You never know people left behind might ask where the signs where but yet at the same time close there eyes to the fact all the signs where there before the rapture.

MRSA itself is in the bible. It says that there will be pestilences. Which means infectous diseases. It will kill people. Knowing about MRSA that sometimes no antibiotics will not work it will kill people. I have a feeling there will be more than MRSA out there.

Even down to the Pope this is written. Pope Benidict will be the last Pope before the next one that will turn into the false prophet. He will be thrown into the lake of fire with the antichrist and satan and all those who have the mark of the beast.

The mark of the beast is even coming to form today. They are putting microchips into animal. That is not evil by no means. The mark of the beast will have the numbers 666 on it. Once you take this mark you lose your soul and will be thrown into the lake of fire with the antichrist, false prophet and satan. There is no going back after you took the mark. That might be a form of a microchip implanted under the skin or something else. You will not be able to buy or sell without that mark

If you are reading this after the rapture where millions of people disapear first come to know God Jesus and the Holy Spirit, second believe Jesus died for your sin and 3 days later rose again. Third confess your sins and turn away from them. That doesn't mean you wont sin it means you will try your hardest not to sin. Forth save as much food and water ask you can because you are going to need it. Seven years worth.

Many will see the antichrist's miracles and beleive he is God. He will even sit in the temple of God, the rebuilt Soloman's temple, and proclaim he is God. The antichrist wants to be God.

Armagoddon will come and GOD WILL WIN. No matter who might tell you different. When Jesus comes down to earth satan and all his helpers will lose. That is when they will be thrown into the lake of fire.

I had a urge today to tell you these things. I know some of them I have talked to you before about but I feel this is the right thing to do today. I will do that for God. God is my boss, my Father and my best friend. He is above all including my Mother. I know if she dies I will see her again.

If I had the money I would go to China and speak the word of God freely. I don't care if I could go to jail or even die. I know I would do that for my God. My God is more important to me than life itself because I know I will go to heaven and live foreven by God.

I boycot the olypmics because it is in China where they perecute my brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope many more Christians has done the same thing. This is my peaceful protest.

God has given me a gift and I am using it to the best of my ability. God gave me knowlege in the end times prophecy with studying it and a mouth or the lanuage to speak to others. I may not know eveything in the end times prophecy but I am learning. God put me on this earth for a reason and I think this is one of them.

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